A, Ann. Annual dividend payments
Cl., Class Issuers with more than one category of preferred share may identify a given class with alphabetic markers, such as class A or class B.
Convert. Convertible
Cum Cumulative
CUSIP: Is the acronym for Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures. Every publically traded security is assigned a unique number that can be used to identify the issuing company and the security type.
Div., divd Dividends
Ex-Dividend This refers to the date when a preferred share no longer carries with it the entitlement to the most recently declared dividend. Typically, a purchase or sale settlement date immediately after the Record Date.
Exchange Exchangeable
Exchanges: Indicates the specific stock exchange(s) where the preferred shares are purchased and sold (traded). Typically, the Toronto Stock Exchange for Canadian Preferred shares.
F.R. Floating dividend rate
Issued The number of shares originally issued
Lead Underwriters The company that advised the issuer and led the sales effort when the shares were initially sold to investors.
Liquidity Refers to the ease with which shares can be purchased and sold at a certain price. The greater the number of shares that trade in a day, the greater the liquidity. Some preferred share issues trade between ten and twenty thousand shares per day and others might only trade one to two hundred.
M Monthly dividend payments
Non-cum Non-Cumulative
O/S The number of preferred shares currently outstanding.
par value Is the stated face value of the preferred share, typically, $25.00.
Pay Date The date the issuer makes the dividend payment to shareholders.
Pfd., pref. Preferred share
Pfce. Preference share
Private Placement Denotes preferred shares that have been issued and held privately. These do not have a CUSIP number, and nor a trading symbol.
Q Quarterly dividend payments
Rating The preferred share’s credit rating
Record Date When dividends are declared by the issuer’s Board of Directors, the dividend will be payable only to those shareholders owning the shares on a certain date. The date is referred to as the Record date.
Redeem. Redeemable
Registrar The company responsible for maintaining the shareholder ownership records. Typically, the Transfer Agent and the Registrar are the same company.
Reset Resettable dividend rate
Ret., retract Retractable
Der., Series Refers to the series number/letter assigned to each preferred share issued by a corporation.
S, semi. Semi-annual dividend payments
Settlement Date For preferred shares, just like common shares, purchases or sales require to be paid for on the third business day after the trade date.
Sh. Shares
Symbol The stock market symbol for the preferred share.
Trade Date The date the purchase or sale of a preferred share is made or contracted. This differs from the settlement date.
Transfer agent The company responsible for share ownership charges
US$ Denotes a preferred share that is issued in U.S. dollars. Dividends are paid in US dollars.
V.R. Variable dividend rate
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