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Do I have to pay interest on the LLP withdrawal?
Do I have to pay interest on the LLP withdrawal?
No. The withdrawal is interest free.
Related Questions
What is the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)?
If I qualify under the LLP, how much can I withdraw from my RRSP?
When must the LLP withdrawal be repaid to my RRSP?
Do I have to pay income tax on the funds that I withdraw from my RRSP under the LLP?
What are the education requirements for the LLP?
What is a “qualifying educational program?”
What is a “qualifying educational institution?”
What do I need to qualify?
Can I use my LLP to help my spouse go back to school?
Can I use the LLP to help finance my children or grandchildrens’ education?
What education costs qualify for payment through the LLP?
How do I apply to participate in the LLP?
Will the financial institution that administers my RRSP account deduct any withholding tax from my LLP withdrawal?
What if I am 71 years of age next year. Can I still apply?
Are my allowable RRSP contributions and deductions impacted by my LLP withdrawal?
Is there a limited number of times I or my spouse/common-law partner can use the LLP?
Can I make an LLP withdrawal to support my spouse or common-law partner at the same time that they make an LLP withdrawal from their RRSP?
I have more than one RRSP account. Under the LLP, can I withdraw funds from more than one RRSP account?
When do I start to repay the LLP withdrawal?
How do I repay the LLP withdrawal?
What if I currently do not have sufficient income and do not file an annual T1 Income Tax Return, how do I record my LLP repayment?
What if I want to repay my LLP withdrawal earlier?
What if I want to pay less than the annual minimum one year?
Will the Canada Revenue Agency keep track of my outstanding LLP balances?
What happens if I die before fully repaying the LLP withdrawal?
What if I become a non-resident after my LLP withdrawal?
I’ll be 71 years old next year and I am required to convert my RRSP into a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). How do I make my annual LLP repayments?
I have already withdrawn funds from my RRSP under the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP). Can I still withdraw funds under the LLP?
I have a Locked-In RRSP. Can I make an LLP withdrawal?
Where can I go to obtain more details about the LLP?