Projected Annual Portfolio Value Comparison

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Use this calculator to estimate the future value of your investment portfolio and compare two assumed rates of investment returns. These projections are used in our investment process to monitor and measure a portfolio’s investment success or failure in achieving preset financial goals. (Printable Reports and savable to “My Folder”)

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Projection of Annual Portfolio Values



Age Year Annual
Projected Portfolio
Value at 4%
Projected Portfolio
Value at 6%
Actual Portfolio Value
30 2017 $5,000 $100,000 $100,000
31 2018 $5,000 $109,000 $111,000
32 2019 $5,000 $118,360 $122,660
33 2020 $5,000 $128,094 $135,019
34 2021 $5,000 $138,218 $148,120
35 2022 $5,000 $148,746 $162,008
36 2023 $5,000 $159,696 $176,728
37 2024 $5,000 $171,084 $192,332
38 2025 $5,000 $182,928 $208,872
39 2026 $5,000 $195,245 $226,404
40 2027 $5,000 $208,054 $244,988
41 2028 $5,000 $221,377 $264,688
42 2029 $5,000 $235,232 $285,569
43 2030 $5,000 $249,641 $307,703
44 2031 $5,000 $264,627 $331,165
45 2032 $5,000 $280,212 $356,035
46 2033 $5,000 $296,420 $382,397
47 2034 $5,000 $313,277 $410,341
48 2035 $5,000 $330,808 $439,962
49 2036 $5,000 $349,041 $471,359
50 2037 $5,000 $368,002 $504,641
51 2038 $5,000 $387,722 $539,919
52 2039 $5,000 $408,231 $577,315
53 2040 $5,000 $429,560 $616,954
54 2041 $5,000 $451,743 $658,971
55 2042 $5,000 $474,813 $703,509
56 2043 $5,000 $498,805 $750,720
57 2044 $5,000 $523,757 $800,763
58 2045 $5,000 $549,708 $853,809
59 2046 $5,000 $576,696 $910,037
60 2047 $5,000 $604,764 $969,640
61 2048 $5,000 $633,955 $1,032,818
62 2049 $5,000 $664,313 $1,099,787
63 2050 $5,000 $695,885 $1,170,774
64 2051 $5,000 $728,721 $1,246,021
65 2052 $5,000 $762,870 $1,325,782
66 2053 $5,000 $798,384 $1,410,329
67 2054 $5,000 $835,320 $1,499,949
68 2055 $5,000 $873,733 $1,594,946
69 2056 $5,000 $913,682 $1,695,643
70 2057 $5,000 $955,229 $1,802,381
71 2058 $5,000 $998,438 $1,915,524