For most Canadians investing is viewed as a necessary evil. They understand that investing is important for the financial health of their families, the funding of their children’s education, and securing their future retirement.
But for most Canadians, investing is viewed as a chore and more often than not it’s shuffled to the bottom of their to-do-list or relegated to someone else. The question we have to ask ourselves then is why do we feel this way about something so important to our futures?
The answer is in part due to how we view the world of investments and our place within that world. Some people just don’t have any interest in the investment world. Others have an interest but feel the investing world can be an overwhelming and confusing place.
And then there are those who have a passion for investments and see investing as akin to a sport. They see themselves as the coach of a professional team where analyzing and picking an investment is like drafting the best players, where designing and managing a portfolio is like creating and practicing team plays, and buying and selling investments are likened to substituting strong players for poor performing ones.
However, no matter how you feel about the world of investing, you cannot and should not neglect it. InvestingForMe is designed for those that have an interest in or feel the need to learn more about their investments. In this Classroom section of our website we outline the most important aspects of investing that you need to understand as the following areas (each of which is briefly described below):